Student Council Presidential Entrance Interview with Dean Kaduboski This year, the King student body voted for Dean Kaduboski to be their class president for the 2021-2022 school year. The Pelican interviewed him about his plans for his upcoming term as part of the student government before officially starting in the fall. Name: Dean Kaduboski Pronouns: He/him 1.
Student Council Presidential Exit Interview with Ethan Anderson As we welcome in the new Student Council president, we sat down with Ethan Anderson to ask about advice for the next year!
Student Council Race to the Presidency Class president elections are just around the corner! To help you get to know the candidates, we asked each of them to answer a few prompts so you can learn what they’re passionate about. At the Pelican, we hope you all use this as an opportunity to choose a
Student Council Presidential Plans: An Inside Look with Ethan Anderson We followed up with President Anderson and got the inside story on what he's working on right now.
Student Council Getting to Know Your Grade Reps (2020-2021) Congratulations to Ethan Anderson and Conor Newman on becoming our school's President and Vice President! However, a good president needs a good council, and now's the time to choose it! Each candidate was asked to answer 3 prompts: 1. Why do you think you should be
Student Council Student Council President Candidate Introductions As you may or may not know, Student Council elections are quickly approaching! The presidential elections are on September 16, and grade representative elections are coming up soon after. The King Pelican intends to deliver the presidential candidates’ views to the reader and help them to make educated decisions when