La Petite Marchande de Glace A French story by Sasha Intile and Maggie Ruvinsky. Il faisait effroyablement chaud cet après-midi dans le désert du Maroc. C'était l'été et il n'y avait pas de nuages. Dans une petite ville au milieu du désert, une famille vivait. Ils vendaient de la
Movie Review: The Great Gatsby By Jack O'Callaghan '23 After reading the novel and watching the 1974 film of The Great Gatsby, I took in and noticed a lot about the movie. Firstly, the film was made by director Jack Clayton with screenwriter Francis Ford Coppola. Some of the main actors were
Short Story: The Day The Birds Stopped Singing By Matthew Graham Brown ‘24 I woke up to the same cold, damp, wet place where I fell asleep. An artillery shell landed with a large bang 50 feet away, which is what I suspect woke me up. The sad reality came over me as I realized I was still