Pieces of a Woman Review:
Award season is here, so why not review one of the Best Actress contenders films? Lets get into it.

I recently sat down to watch the Golden Lion nominated film Pieces of a Woman, starting Vanessa Kirby and Shia Labeouf. To say this movie has strong performances is an understatement. The story follows Martha and her husband, Sean, in the emotional fallout of losing their first only child minutes after giving birth. Kirby brings one of her best performances on film as Martha. Kirby captures the grief of a woman just losing her child in such a way that it makes you think that Kirby herself has experienced this process. LaBeouf also gives a strong performance as a grieving former father, turning to alcohol to cope with the loss, and Kirby and LaBeouf work well off of each other in both heart touching and heart wrenching scenes. The movie itself, however, is nothing to bold to talk about; A wife and husband lose their child, and the rest of the movie is the tragic fallout of it. Overall, Vanessa Kirby brings her A game in this film, and truly shows that a woman can lose her pieces, but can reclaim the ones that mean to most to her. Rating: 8.5/10